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Arizona College Connect

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Arizona College Connect is an innovative FAFSA database that provides authorized high school and district personnel with their student-level FAFSA data. 

This innovative FAFSA tool is powered by the Arizona Board of Regents and made possible through funding from Helios Education Foundation and a data partnership with the Arizona Department of Education. In addition to FAFSA completion data, the tool also provides high school educators access to FAFSA resources and information to support students.

Enroll your high school or district.

High school principals need to sign a data-sharing agreement. If your school already has an agreement you can skip this step. View the schools with a data sharing agreement here.


Add authorized users.

If your school and/or district has a data sharing agreement on file, authorized users can request access.
Request access

Login into the portal.

If your school or district is enrolled and you have an authorized user account, login here to access Arizona College Connect.

ABOR leading Arizona FAFSA Completion Initiative

The Arizona Board of Regents is leading the FAFSA Completion Initiative in Arizona. Through this federal initiative, the U.S. Department of Education permits the board to disclose limited information about FAFSA application status for individual students to authorized high schools and district personnel. In turn, this empowers high schools to help students complete their FAFSA.

Arizona College Connect FAQs

The database provides authorized high school and district personnel with access to their senior cohort FAFSA data, personalized FAFSA charts and graphs for their senior class, and additional FAFSA recourse and tools.

Each high school and/or district signs a data-sharing agreement that is valid for five years. Once an agreement is on file, authorized high school or district personnel complete a user agreement to access the portal. View the schools with data sharing agreements here.

Authorized users receive a weekly customized email providing a summary of their school’s FAFSA completion progress and a link to the database that will enable users to view their student-level FAFSA data, customized data visualizations, resources and more.

This data is useful in many ways including:

  • Increasing FAFSA completion rates.
  • Identifying students who may need assistance with the FAFSA.
  • Providing FAFSA and college-going strategic outreach.
  • Completing your College and Career Readiness Indicator Report.
  • Connecting students with financial aid resources.
  • Modifying postsecondary advising practices.
  • Informing FAFSA completion campaigns.

New FAFSA data is available each Monday within the FAFSA cycle. For the  2024-25 school year, FAFSA data will begin populating in Arizona College Connect in late January/early February 2024.

Arizona College Connect was built using existing resources for cost efficiency. The board often leverages university systems to avoid costly duplicate expenses.

A member of your high school administration will complete and sign the Arizona College Connect Data-Sharing Agreement. View the schools with data sharing agreements here.

The data-sharing agreements established with a high school or district are valid for five years. A reminder email will be sent by the Arizona Board of Regents before the end of this period, prompting the need for a renewal agreement to be signed.

The individual user agreements do not have an expiration date. They remain valid for as long as the user is employed with their respective high school or district.

Email questions or requests for information to