Visits and virtual tours at NAU

Take a trip to the high country to visit NAU.

Amid the ponderosa pine trees of northern Arizona, NAU’s Flagstaff Campus is situated in a picturesque natural setting. Hands-on learning at NAU engages students and faculty in a warm, collaborative environment. Take a tour of NAU in-person or online to learn more about life as a Lumberjack. The university also offers information sessions in many different areas. 

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Daily tours

View the different options for visiting the campus in person. Schedule your in-person or group tour and find information on traveling to Flagstaff.

Discover NAU.

Full-day events provide an in-depth dive into life as a Lumberjack, academic discovery, discussion sessions and more.

Virtual tour

Take a virtual tour of NAU and experience the beauty of campus from anywhere you’re located.

Visit the NAU website to learn more.

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NAU is in your community, eager and prepared to assist you in advancing your career.

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