Explore majors and degrees
Major in something you love
Arizona's public universities have major options for picking a degree that matches your interests and goals.
Undergraduate degrees offered at Arizona State University and more offered through ASU Online.
Undergraduate degrees offered at Northern Arizona University and more offered through NAU Online.
Undergraduate degrees offered at the University of Arizona and more offered through Arizona Online.
That’s a lot of options! How to explore majors and pick your degree.
Arizona State University organizes all undergraduate degrees by areas of interest. With an ASU login, you can save degrees you search for and compare them with similar degrees. Because ASU has multiple campuses and locations, be sure to pay attention to which campuses your major is located.
Explore ASU degrees
Northern Arizona University offers undergraduate degrees that are easily explored. Find hands-on learning experiences through your degree program and discover NAU’s impact on Flagstaff and beyond.
Explore NAU degrees
The University of Arizona organizes all undergraduate degrees by areas of interest. With an Arizona login, you can save degrees you search for and compare them with similar degrees.
Explore Arizona degrees
Transferring community college credits
As public universities with a goal to ensure that Arizona residents have access to a high quality bachelor’s degree, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Arizona aim to make the transfer process to their university as seamless as possible so that you can make efficient progress toward your goals. Learn more here.
Do you have to have it all figured out? Nope.
1 in 3 college students switch majors.
Switching majors is normal. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, one in three college students pursuing a bachelor’s degree will switch their major at least once.
College is about exploration – finding yourself and refining your interests. Coming to college as an exploratory or undeclared major is fine and changing your mind along the way is as well.
Understanding higher education lingo related to majors and degrees.
Colleges and universities often use terms that are different from what you might be used to from your high school or community college. Here are some definitions of basic terms that you’ll see throughout university websites.
is a term used to describe a student who is enrolled in a college or university who has not yet graduated with a degree. If you are a first-year, sophomore, junior or senior in college, you are an undergraduate.
Bachelor’s degree
is an undergraduate degree typically completed within four years. Course work includes a mixture of required general education courses, courses within your selected major and electives. The two most common bachelor's degrees are the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science.
is the primary academic focus area for a two- or four-year degree. With a major, you take enough coursework to specialize in a chosen field of study. All students must eventually choose one or more majors.
is a secondary academic focus area that allows a student to explore an interest in greater depth, while taking fewer courses than what is required for a major. Having a minor is optional, but pursuing one can broaden your education.
is a credential that a college or university offers that often takes shorter periods of time or credits to complete. Certificates do not have equal value as a college degree, but can offer evidence of specific skills or training received.
Major map / curriculum
shows the specific courses and when it is advised to take them (sequence) throughout your degree program. A major map or curriculum helps you plan when to take different classes and what courses must be taken prior to higher level courses.
are classes that must be completed in order for you to take classes that are higher level. For example, Biology I provides foundational knowledge that you must know before taking Biology II.
Core curriculum
describes classes that are required in order for you to complete a degree. These courses are agreed upon by the college/university or accreditation bodies as being the foundation necessary to specialize in a degree.
describe classes that you can choose from that are outside of your major. A goal of a college education is to expose students to many academic disciplines in order to graduate individuals with broad knowledge and experiences.